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Friday, Feb. 14, 2003/5:52 PM

Duk's Arse

New York gone Crazy

New York is always a little weird but this week has been out of order.

Everyone is sick and everyone thinks they are sick because of some Iraqi biological agent

Vermont Bears have launched their new TV campaign. (Which William only saw because he was at home, sick with a 'mild case of anthrax'). Some of the Bears, including the rather hunky fireman bear, have tattoos.

Midtown feels like a war zone. Big Black SUV's with tinted windows and sirens whizzing through the streets and closing off roads. Armed troops running up and down trains, pulling off passengers and waving very big guns in people's faces.

Presidents day weekend and Valentines day means that everyone is away for the weekend and the city is empty. Except for the troops here to protect the city, and presumably some threatening terrorist organizations. Oh and the anti-war campaigners who are here for the weekend. (Who knew?)

6 inches of snow everywhere and it is so fucking cold (0 degrees -F not C)only the Vermont Brass Monkey bear would have any fun here.

Cindy the Merciless had her birthday party. Gifts included stuffed Raccoon, medieval full body chastity belt and various dead things. Leather studded dining table and topless male waiters. Huge Martini's and resultant hangovers.

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